A PICO-8 infinite runner for TweetTweet Jam #5, written in 556 characters.
Press UP to jump, CTRL+R to restart.
t=true f=false q=print r=rnd g={{0,96,256}} d=t e=f a=.2 j=-3 v=0 x=12 y=40 z=0 w=40 function _update() if(e)return d=t for p in all(g)do if x>p[1] and x<p[1]+p[3] and d then if(y+6+v>=p[2])y=p[2]-5 d=f v=0 end if(p[1]<=-p[3])del(g,p) p[1]-=2+z/10 end p=g[count(g)] if(128-p[1]-p[3]>w)w=10+r(40)add(g,{128,80+r(32),64+r(32)})z+=1 if(btn(2)and d==f)d=t v=j if(d)v+=a y+=v end function _draw() cls() q("⬆️",64,32,7) k=0 for p in all(g) do if(p[2]>k)k=p[2] end if(y>k)e=t for p in all(g)do rectfill(p[1],p[2],p[1]+p[3],p[2]+8,9) end q("웃",x,y,12)q(z,1,1) end
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A nice little game.
There are some impossible jumps.